ソードとシールドでポケモンをハッキングしたい? 方法は次のとおりです!
October 10, 2023
- 初め, you’ll need a hacked Nintendo Switch console or emulator.
- 次, download and install the latest version of the Pokemon Sword and Shield ROM.
- Find a reliable hacking tool such as PKHex.
- Create the Pokemon of your dreams with the desired stats, 動く, and abilities in PKHex.
- Use a save manager to back up your current game save.
- Inject the hacked Pokemon into the game using PKHex.
- Reload your saved game and enjoy your newly hacked Pokemon!
私たちはポケモンカードの専門卸売業者です. 地元のポケモンカードの卸売業者または販売業者になりたい場合, ご連絡ください.